Integrative Mind Body Connection Coaching to Empower Self Healing

There's change ahead for you! Using the mind-body connection we all have the power to heal ourselves to live richer, healthier, and more joyous lives.

I am Penny Croal, your mind-body connection coach
Change Ahead is your partner in radical wellness, walking the path with you to radiant health. Be STILL. Be present for a moment. Do you wonder what would happen if you were diagnosed with a serious dis-ease? Do you yearn to help yourself and others achieve ultimate health and wellness? Are you seeking a partner to teach you how to take responsibility of your own health and help others care for their own? Through modalities such as EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, NLP and META Consciousness™, Penny Croal and her team of specialists are your passionate collaborators and guides. If you’re a new or current practitioner, or on your own journey to health, Change Ahead welcomes you!

Penny Croal
How Change Ahead Can Help
Penny Croal offers workshops and support in META Consciousness™, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Matrix Reimprinting, Swap Shop Groups, Enriching Practitioner Skills and more! These powerful workshops merge Penny’s passion with yours to inform and empower. Be sure to bring your courage, your soul’s song, and your love of laughter. Penny also offers personal consultations to help reveal which modality fits your needs and desires. More specifically to team you up with the correct practitioner for you.
“Your ability to quickly get right to the heart of the matter has helped me to fully recover after a long, protracted illness that I thought would never go away.”
Janette P.

Courses & Coaching
Get started now with insights and strategies from Penny Croal.
Meet Penny Croal- From Her Journey of Healing to Coaching Thousands of People
Schedule Free 20 Minute 1-to-1
Each swap shop is unique. Penny’s creativity and enthusiasm contribute to very ‘tasty’ regular events. Each swap shop gathers different people, topics, ideas … just like ingredients, flavours, colours in a recipe! You are guarantied to leave the event with some news tips and resources up your sleeves, feeling inspired, fulfilled and buzzing, just like sampling a new delicious dish each time!
Matilde Barbier
Penny is a wealth of knowledge in the field of alternative health. She is also in my opinion one of the leading thinkers in how future medicine will evolve. I am privileged to know her personally and have in the past received coaching and therapy from her which has transformed my own personal health, business and life.
Daniel Hill Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master, Advanced EFT Prac & Life Coach
After the second session with Penny, who I found very relaxed to be with, as she is professional, non judgemental, and fun, using EFT she managed to aid me in removing my cat allergy. Then on the third session once again using EFT she managed to find the core root problem of my shell fish allergy which related to my gran dying. Bizarre! Wow this is powerful and fast stuff. Thank you, Penny, for helping me.
MC Assistant Manager
Free Self-Study
Here are our free self-study programmes done online at your own pace.
Paid Self Study
Here are our premium programmes that are completed online at your own pace.
Zoom Live Trainings
Our Zoom Lives are trainings taught live virtually.
In-Person Trainings
"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself."

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