The Difference Between Thoughts and Feelings

The Difference Between Thoughts and Feelings

In the superficial world we live in, where the things that matter are rarely debated on TV everything seem to go from bad to worse there’s only way to survive it. To get to know who you really are and what is your purpose in life. When deciding to look into you and to analyze your thoughts and actions, one of the things that needs to be done is to understand the difference between thoughts and feelings.

Why is this so important?

The thing with thoughts and feelings is that they are so related and connected that at times it is hard to separate, which is which and most of all, how to cope with them. But I’ve decided to shed a little bit of light over these concepts and help you use them in your advantage in everyday life situations. An emotional reaction or an emotion is an automatically triggered feeling that happens when you are in a certain situation. Whether you’re feeling embarrassed, frightened, shy, proud or anxious, these are all feelings that have been automatically triggered subconsciously in the brain and have taken over your actions.

But what triggers emotions, really?

Well, here is the interesting part about feelings and emotions. Although they happen in an instant and you don’t premeditate them, they are the reaction response of a belief that you have about yourself or the world.

And what are believes?

These are perceptions that happen normally pre six according to Dr Bruce Lipton and those perceptions we start to validate from that moment on. Yes that is correct we start to look for evidence that our perception is our TRUTH, which is not necessarily THE TRUTH. Hence, thoughts trigger feelings or emotional responses in given situations. For example the belief that if a young child sees a red car run over an animal, then that young child will see red cars and perhaps look for that harming others, it will trigger a response in that child, an emotional response that will consequently trigger fight flight or freeze. That freeze response is when part of our consciousness splits off to protect us. However our subconscious has no time clock and that memory will be looping around us for years to come if we do not release that freeze response. In Matrix Reimprinting we call this part that splits off an ECHO (energetic conscious holograms)

So, how are thoughts and feelings related?

All emotions come from the believes that we have, namely thoughts that we’ve repeated over and over again in our minds. When you have an emotional reaction to a situation it means that you believe that that event or happening has something to do with you and holds a truth about you. This is more relevant for negative emotions. When you feel angry, frustrated or stressed as an emotional response it means that deep inside you, you know that there’s something true about it that gets to you. Otherwise you would have no reaction whatsoever, no emotional response. Having the same emotional reaction over and over again! When you experience the same negative emotions in the same situations it means that the core beliefs, thoughts that you have about yourself have not changed. It means that you still believe that there is something unpleasant but true about it. The only way to change and move on is to dig deep in your fundamental believes or thoughts about yourself and find out what truly bothers you. Although thoughts and feelings seem such different and unrelated terms, they are in fact deeply interrelated. While a belief triggers an emotional response, getting to the thought that leads to that emotion can help you discover more about yourself and evolve from a spiritual point of view.

I believe this is why Matrix Reimprinting is so valuable as a therapy as it is such a gentle way to get to the core beliefs and as scientists Karim Nader has proven we can change memories thus changing our core beliefs.


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